Zach Houston

Zach Houston
Born  (2012-03-15T06:24:26)
Marin County, California
Field Artist, Poet
Movement Situationist

Zach Houston is an Oakland based visual artist and poet. He is best known for his "poemstore", an ongoing business/literature performance, which has been widely emulated.[1][2] The "poemstore" has received coverage from Charles Osgood,[3] CBS News,[4][5] Katie Couric,[6] The NY Times, The LA Times,[7] reviewed by Kenneth Baker, critic for the San Francisco Chronicle[8] and many others.[9] In 2011 the poemstore was the focus of two major exhibitions. One, entitled poemstore at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Missouri.[10] The other, an exhibition in collaboration with David Horvitz at SF Camerwork.[11]

Zach Houston has also pursued a musical career, leading several disturbing projects, including SPACE TIME,[12] use your words, Freeerways[13] and faux pseudo fake fake.


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